Letter from a client

August 12, 2012

My son, 7yrs old attended the Alison Lawson Clinic, after struggling with literacy based tasks. Even with my experience as a primary teacher, I just could not find strategies to help him progress with reading, writing, spelling or retaining information.

After attending the 10 weekly sessions, my son has moved up 6 reading levels, writes lengthy stories and is able to retain information needed for future lessons. He has gone from having low self-esteem and not wanting to complete tasks such as reading, to being a happy, confident child who is happy to sit up and read his new chapter books each night.

As I sit to write this, I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for this program or these wonderful women who implement it. How do you say thank you enough for making a child feel good about themselves, for helping him to progress, when I could not- you can’t! All I can do is share my story and let you know that I am a true advocate for the Alison Lawson Clinic and would recommend, speaking with them about yourself or your child! We will be forever grateful to these true professionals, who make this program available to people like my son!